Alexandra Davey recently represented a young man charged with stalking his former partner following the breakdown of their relationship.
The prosecution relied on a large volume of text messages, emails and tweets, some of which were abusive and threatening. The prosecution also relied upon witnesses who had seen the defendant at the complainant’s place of work. The defendant made significant admissions while unrepresented in interview, and accepted the factual basis of the prosecution’s case.
Following numerous disclosure requests and case management hearings, Alexandra successfully argued to exclude a large part of the prosecution’s evidence relating to the download of mobile phone evidence under s78 PACE.
Alexandra presented previously unseen Instagram messages on the morning of trial, and persuaded the prosecution to add a charge of Improper Use of Public Electronic Communications Network, to which the defendant pleaded guilty and received a fine of £300. The prosecution offered no evidence against the defendant on the original stalking charge, and the Court awarded a Defendant’s Costs Order despite the partial conviction.
Alexandra was privately instructed by Faye Goodship of Chiltern Law.
Alexandra has experience defending and prosecuting the full range of criminal offences, including cases of serious violence, sexual offences, offences related to the possession and supply of drugs and dishonesty offences including theft and fraud.