Alexandra Davey

Year of Call: 2013

“Alexandra is diligent and thorough in preparing her work, quick to identify the issues in any case and excellent at dealing with clients. She has a great reputation and is very well-liked.”

feedback from one of Alexandra’s instructing solicitors.

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Alexandra has developed a busy practice specialising in all aspects of criminal and family law. She is instructed as junior counsel to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.

Alexandra’s background and expertise make her a strong advocate for difficult or vulnerable clients in particular, as she is able to adapt her approach to suit each situation, and can empathise and patiently work to gain her client’s confidence and to promote and protect their interests.  

Here’s what some of those who have worked with Alexandra have to say about her:


"The client called me yesterday afternoon to tell me how brilliant you were at court ( I never had any doubt!). You really put her at ease and, as ever, your quick thinking and pragmatic approach worked wonders. Thank you for making a worried girl so comfortable and achieving such a brilliant result."

Instructing Solicitor

"She knows how to prepare a case and has an instinctive feel for good points and bad points. She keeps her eye on the ball. She is also naturally charming."

Leading Counsel

"Her opening speech was excellent, but her cross-examination was outstanding. It is fair to say that Alexandra courteously and kindly destroyed the defendant in cross-examination, a more vigorous approach would certainly have been counterproductive. She gave a mature, convincing, skilful, careful and extremely effective performance."


Additional information

Direct Access

  • Alexandra accepts direct access instructions in relation to criminal and family law.

Professional panel appointments

  • Accredited mediator (Regent’s School of Psychotherapy and Counselling).
  • Qualified to accept Direct Access Instructions.
  • Grade 2 Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutor.

Criminal Defence

Alexandra has appeared alone and as a led junior, and has experience defending the full range of criminal offences, including cases of serious violence, sexual offences, stalking and harassment, offences related to the possession and supply of drugs and dishonesty offences including theft and fraud. 

Alexandra has particular experience in representing youth clients, including in relation to charges of sexual assault and s.18 GBH and wounding.

Alexandra also has experience defending in prosecutions under the food hygiene and health and safety regulations and has been instructed in extradition proceedings concerning Spain, Romania and Nigeria.

Alexandra is regularly instructed to appear in the Crown Court, and also maintains a practice in the Magistrates’ Court on a private basis and in relation to youths charged with particularly serious offences.

Criminal Prosecutions - Private & Public

Alexandra is a Grade 2 Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutor, appearing regularly in Crown Courts including recent cases concerning drugs conspiracies and serious violence.

Private Prosecutions

Alexandra is also regularly instructed as Prosecution Counsel in private prosecutions brought by luxury brands in relation to trademark infringements and counterfeit goods. She also has experience as Disclosure Counsel and Disclosure Officer in private prosecutions brought by individuals in relation to fraud and forgery offences.

Alexandra has experience in cases involving regulatory matters and professional discipline. She has presented for the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and assisted in a case against a Mayor facing disciplinary proceedings for misconduct in public office.

Family & Children

Alexandra’s status as a trained mediator allows her to make each client’s experience as straightforward as possible, at what is often a very difficult time.

Alexandra is regularly instructed in family matters and has expertise in cases including:

  • Public Law proceedings

Alexandra acts in care proceedings, representing mothers, fathers, children, Local Authorities and third parties. In addition to the issue of placement, Alexandra also has experience in designation arguments.

  • Private Law children proceedings

Alexandra regularly represents mothers and fathers in cases involving Child Arrangement Orders, Prohibited Steps Orders and Specific Issue Orders, including protracted proceedings requiring fact-finding stages and concerning permission to travel abroad to non-Hague Convention countries.

  • Financial Remedies proceedings

Alexandra has experience in matrimonial finance cases, has a head for figures, and works meticulously to help reach a settlement where appropriate.

  • Domestic Abuse proceedings

Alexandra has represented parties involved in applications for Non-Molestation Orders and Occupation Orders, and her parallel experience in criminal law often assists.

Inquests & Inquiries

Alexandra accepts instructions in relation to Public Inquiries and Inquests.

International Family

Cases of Note

Grenfell Tower Inquiry:

Alexandra has been instructed as Junior Counsel to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry since January 2018.

Costs thrown away awarded:

Alexandra was privately instructed to represent a young man of good character accused of stalking, who had made admissions in interview. Alexandra argued to exclude a considerable part of the prosecution’s phone download evidence, before persuading them to add a significantly lesser charge to which a guilty plea was entered. Such was the difference, that despite the conviction, Alexandra successfully obtained a Defendant’s Costs Order, as well as recovering several thousand pounds in costs thrown away.

Designation case reported:

Alexandra was instructed on behalf of an interested party Local Authority in care proceedings, successfully opposing a designation argument by analysing and applying the “stop the clock” provisions within the meaning of section 105(6) Children Act 1989. Given the level of legal analysis, the Judgment was published as Re. Z (care orders: designated local authority) [2019] EWFC B30


High profile case in the press:

Represented “the naked gardener”, a naturist acquitted after trial in Kent of all 13 counts of public order and breaching a community protection notice


Voyeurism and Indecent Images case:

Secured a community order in a case of voyeurism and possession of indecent images of children


Sexual Assault:

Successfully defended a client charged with sexual assault on a 13-year-old girl. The client was acquitted after trial in Hertfordshire despite overwhelming evidence.

Perverting the course of Justice:

Secured a suspended sentence following a guilty plea in a case of perverting the course of justice.