Meeno Chawla and Ellen Crow secured a discharge for a client facing extradition to Poland to serve an 8-month prison sentence. This was despite the court finding that the client had left Poland knowing he had a prison sentence to serve, and was, therefore, a fugitive.
Meeno and Ellen argued that extradition would have a disproportionate interference on his family life under Article 8. His partner passed away in the UK and he had served a significant portion of his sentence. The court agreed with this argument and discharged the warrant.
Meeno was instructed at the extradition hearing and Ellen was instructed to draft the statement of issues. They were both instructed by Jett Arora of Saunders Solicitors.
Meeno prosecutes and defends in a wide range of criminal cases. She has a growing practice in Extradition and has been instructed to act on behalf of clients facing extradition to several different countries. She also accepts instructions in Proceeds of Crime, and related areas and also accepts instructions in regulatory and family proceedings. Meeno is on the CPS General Crime Advocate Panel at level 1. Meeno supports pro-bono work and has recently completed working on a case for Advocate and was awarded their Pupil Pledge Pro-Bono Award. This highlights her commitment to access to justice.
Ellen prosecutes and defends in a wide range of criminal cases. She has a growing practice in proceeds of crime and extradition and is keen to expand her professional discipline practice. Ellen has undertaken specialist Youth Justice training with the Youth Justice Legal Centre and is confident dealing with young and vulnerable clients. She is on the Attorney General’s Junior-Junior Panel and has accepted instructions on behalf of the Ministry of Justice. She is a Grade 1 CPS prosecutor.