Can industry culture in financial services be changed? Guy Micklewright looks at a variety of proposals

On 5 March 2024 the House of Commons Treasury Committee published its ‘Sexism in the City’ report, examining the gender inequality that pervades the financial services industry in the UK.

This followed its ‘Women in finance’ report in June 2018, which expressed concern about a lack of gender diversity in financial services and made a number of recommendations. The latest report has found that ‘many of the barriers identified in 2018 remain stubbornly in place’.

The committee continues to be concerned that the gender pay gap in financial services remains the largest in any sector in the UK economy; that many firms still treat diversity and inclusion as a ‘tick box’ exercise rather than a core business priority; and that maternity remains a significant barrier to progress for women in financial services.

Sexual misconduct, harassment & bullying

However, one area that was not examined in 2018 and rightly received substantial consideration in the....

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Guy Micklewright is a specialist fitness to practise, disciplinary and regulatory barrister, having practised in the area for 16 years, acting for both regulators and individuals subject to regulatory action.  Guy has particular experience of complex disciplinary cases before a variety of healthcare, accountancy, legal, and engineering regulators. Guy is recognised in Chambers & Partners and in the Legal 500 UK Bar Guide as a leading junior for his work in professional discipline and regulatory work. He was ranked as a 'Rising Star' in The Legal 500 [2020 and 2021] for his professional discipline and regulatory work (Solicitors Guide). 

Guy's practice includes governance advisory work, GDPR advisory work, inquests and firearms/shotgun licensing appeals, and advisory work.